Many employees have positive conceptions of remote work. They think that a home office is a dream come true, as it allows more freedom and reduces the need for a longer commute.
While working from home certainly has its benefits, we often forget the advantages of a physical office. Some employees thrive in an in-person environment, even if they only go into the office a few days a week.
This post explores the benefits of “not-remote” working. Read on to learn why one might actually prefer cubicle life.
In-Person Training
If you want to find success at your job, you need to have a positive onboarding experience.
Of course, it’s possible to complete onboarding virtually if the company provides you with the necessary training and educational resources. However, online courses and Zoom sessions can make it difficult to get the clarification you need.
Shawn Meaike notes that in-person training is much more hands-on. You can build connections with your new teammates, ask questions as they come to mind, and find your place in the company. In the end, you have a much better chance of not becoming frustrated and sticking around.

Despite the negative reputation it has, commuting is healthy. For one, it gives you some “me” time. You can use that 30-minutes there and 30-minutes back for whatever you please. Some people like to catch up on their music or podcasts, while others call friends or family they haven’t seen in a while. Or, you can just be alone with your thoughts.
Commuting also helps you separate work from your personal life. During your drive, you can prepare for the day by pumping yourself up for a meeting. And when you clock out and get back in your car, you start unwinding for the night.
Free From Distractions
If you’ve ever worked from home, you know how ever-present distractions can be. There are needy pets, knocks on the door, spouses, and children that all demand your attention. And with no supervisor around, it can be tempting to step away from your work longer than you should.
Those who have difficulty getting privacy or practicing good self-management skills will benefit from a physical office space. Shawn says that the environment encourages productivity, translating to you getting more work done than ever before.
At the very least, the quality of your work will improve, meaning you can have a greater sense of pride in your accomplishments.
If you’re a fan of routine, you’ll love the office life. Employees can expect the same hours every day, which allows them to plan their schedule accordingly.
For instance, if you work 9-5, you know you have a little time in the morning that you can use to go to the gym, run errands, etc.
Collaboration is essential to the success of any team. But if your employees are scattered across the country (or world!), it can be difficult to get anything done.
In a physical office, everyone is under one roof. Gone are the days of conflicting time zones, lengthy email chains, and spotty Zoom calls. Instead, you can work efficiently on big projects and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Office Culture
The benefits of collaboration with coworkers go beyond productivity. When your team is close by, you can build more personal connections and even make friends.
This sense of camaraderie is crucial for making work more enjoyable. You’ll be able to ask questions and get the immediate, personal responses you want.
The Bottom Line — Remote Work Isn’t All It’s Cracked up to Be
According to many experts, remote work isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Office employees experience benefits from a distraction-free environment to better collaboration opportunities.
So, when your boss gives you the option to work from home, think twice before making the switch. If you’re a business owner that’s considering transferring to complete remote work, realize that you might miss out on these benefits.